Get Your Online Shop And Start Sales In 1 Hour thumb
Get Your Online Shop And Start Sales In 1 Hour thumb
Get Your Online Shop And Start Sales In 1 Hour thumb

Get Your Online Shop And Start Sales In 1 Hour


On 29 March 2023 From 19:00 to 21:00
In Atlas Tower 18th floor, Warsaw, Poland

This training seminar aims to teach you how to create your online shop in the new marketplace GOLDENSHOPS.EU, setup adding products and even start sales in only 1 hour.
At the end of the training, every participant who chooses the package (Training and Shop) will get credentials to their online shop.
Laptop needed

2 registred participants out of 30

Category: Professional Event

Organized by: Anis Mabrouk Director of GOLDEN-SHOPS


Introduction : why Golden Shops?
Account creation
Access to the Administration
Learning functions
Shop Setup
Adding products
Testing the shop