Terms and conditions of the MEETNATIONS.ORG events platform owned by GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk registered in the business register under the REGON number 522516716 kept by the City of Warsaw, and tax identification number NIP 5242788589 with headquarters in Atlas Tower, al. Jerozolimskie 123A/18th floor, 02-017 Warsaw.

 § 1.

Glossary of terms

The terms used in this terms and conditions have the following meanings:

1. Seller - GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk, registered in the business register under the number REGON 522516716 kept by the City of Warsaw, with tax identification number NIP 5242788589 with headquarters  in Atlas Tower, al. Jerozolimskie 123A/18th floor, 02-017 Warsaw

2. Buyer - a natural person with at least limited legal capacity and at least 18 years of age at the time of placing the Order, as well as a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, having legal capacity and legal capacity, placing an Order in the Events platform for purposes not related to the further sale and trade of the Events Registrations or Memberships.

3. Events platform - an events platform run by the Seller at the internet address www.meetnations.org. The Seller provides delivery of the Events Registrations or Memberships only in the European Union.

4. Events registration or membership - a service offered by the Seller, included in the current retail sale offer on the Events platform delivered online to the email of the buyer or in his/her user dashboard once his/her payment is received by the seller. All offered services have been marketed in accordance with the law.

5. Gross - price of the Events Registrations or Memberships with the information about the Events Registrations or Memberships next to i. The prices of the Events Registrations or Memberships in the Events platform are expressed in Polish zlotys and do not include VAT.

§ 2.

General information

1. The Terms and conditions define the rules for making Orders in the MEETNATIONS.ORG events platform operating at the internet address: www.meetnations.org.

2. The use of the Events platform is available to the Buyer who has the following equipment:

a. A PC, tablet or smartphone

b. Broadband Internet connection;

c. Edge, Firefox or Chrome web browser;

d. JavaScript enabled, CSS styles;

e. Enabled pop-up windows (pop-up windows);

f. An active email account.

g. An active phone number.


§ 3.

Conditions for placing orders

a) correct completion by the Buyer of the registration form in the "Sign-up" tab. The form should include:

- real personal data,

- the Buyer's phone number,

- e-mail address, used later as a login, needed for verification and setting a password by the Buyer -

In the case of Buyers who are entrepreneurs, provide the NIP (tax identification number), company name, registered office address, contact telephone number, e-mail address and a contact person authorized to represent the entrepreneur.

b) when the Buyer has not completed the registration specified in point a above,

- in the case of natural persons: providing the name and surname, telephone number, email address to which the Order confirmation will be sent,

- in the case of entrepreneurs: providing NIP (tax identification number), company, registered office address, contact telephone number, e-mail address and a contact person authorized to represent the entrepreneur.

c) consent by the Ordering Party to conclude a sales contract,

d) reading the Events platform's terms and conditions,

e) confirmation by the Buyer, if he is a natural person, that he is 18 years old and at the time of placing the Order, he is not in a state that excludes conscious decision making, in particular is sober and not under the influence of other intoxicants.

2. Registration activities are carried out once and free of charge, and subsequent Orders are carried out on the basis of the Ordering Party's logging in to the Events platform by entering the login and password.

3. Login and password are confidential.

4. As a result of correct registration, the Events platform creates an account for the Buyer assigned to the name (login) provided in the registration form. The buyer gains access to the account after entering the name and password in the Events platform through the login procedure.

5. The Buyer, who has an account as a result of registration, has the option to:

a) view the status of order fulfillment and purchase history,

b) receive discounts and promotional coupons currently in force and available in the Discounts tab.

6. In the Order, the Buyer who is not an entrepreneur may additionally indicate the data required to issue the invoice, if he requests an invoice. In other cases, a receipt documenting the sale is downloadable from the user dashboard on the Events platform.

7. The sales contract is concluded upon receipt by the Seller of the Order marked with the number.

8. The correct place of concluding the sales contract is the address of the headquarters of the seller.

9. The Seller has the right to refuse to execute the Order if:

a. The Order form has not been properly completed,

b. Has been placed in breach of these Terms and conditions,

c. The Buyer has not settled the payment for previous Orders regardless of whether the Orders were made from different Buyer's accounts.

10. Placing Orders in the Events platform is possible 24 hours a day, all days of the year.

11. Contact of the Buyer with the Seller is possible via the form on the Events platform or by phone to the telephone number provided on the Events platform (rate in accordance with the operator's tariff) or by letter to the address of the Seller's registered office.

12. The Seller undertakes under the sales contract to execute the Order in accordance with the content of the Order specification, subject to the provisions of point 15. below.

13. The Seller delivers the Events Registrations or Memberships to the Buyer together with a sales document in the form of a receipt or an invoice, if the Buyer requested it to be issued when placing the Order and provided the necessary data for its issue. The Events Registrations or Memberships are delivered without defects.

14. If the Buyer is not a consumer, the Seller reserves the right to ownership of the service until the payment of the Sale Price of the Events registration or memberships in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.

15. The terms of the sales contract are specified in these Terms and conditions, the applicable provisions of Polish law and individual arrangements between the Seller and the Buyer.

16. The content of sales contracts concluded in the Events platform is stored by the Events platform's IT system for a period of at least 2 months from the date of conclusion of each contract, and the content of these contracts is made available only to the parties to the contract. Each Buyer who has completed the registration procedure, after logging in, has access to all his sales contracts concluded in the Events platform for the period of their storage in the IT system specified in the first sentence. Regardless of the above provisions, within 48 hours, but no later than upon delivery or receipt of the Events Registrations or Memberships, the Seller shall send to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer a confirmation of the conclusion of the contract in a PDF file.

17. The Buyer cannot change the account name (login) adopted during registration.

18. A different email address must be assigned to each account.

19. One Buyer may have several accounts in the Events platform.

20. The Buyer is not allowed to use the Accounts of other Buyers and make his account available to other people, except for making the entrepreneur's account available to persons duly authorized by the Buyer to act on his behalf,

21. The Buyer should keep the account password secret. Accounts are non-transferable, with the proviso that entrepreneurs' accounts may be transferred to another entrepreneur in the event of the sale of the enterprise or its organized part.

22. The Events platform reserves the right to temporarily block the Buyer's account if it is found that the security of the account is at risk. The Events platform may make further use of the account dependent on changing the access password to this account. After the Buyer changes the password, he will immediately regain access to the account.

23. The Events platform reserves the right to temporarily suspend the proper operation of the platform for maintenance, technical purposes, etc. About the expected technical break will be posted on the main page of the Events platform at least two hours in advance.

§ 4.

Payment terms

1. The current and available payment methods are specified on the Events platform.available forms of payment are:

a. with a VISA or MASTERCARD payment card using a system enabling online payments (PayU or PayPal) on the Events platform.

b. with Blik payment card using a system enabling online payments (PayU) on the Events platform.

§ 5.

Termination of the contract

1. Pursuant to Art. 27 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights, the Buyer who is a consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving reasons within 14 days from the date of payment of the Events Registrations or Memberships, subject to the following.

2. The cancellation date should not exceed 1 week before the events date.

3. The Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract,

4. The price or remuneration of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no control and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the contract;

5. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, on the basis of point 1 above, both the Seller and the Buyer are obliged to return everything that they received from the other party under the concluded contract. If the Buyer makes a payment with a payment card, the refund will be made by paying funds to the same account from which the payment for the Events Registrations or Memberships was previously made.

§ 6.

Complaints procedure

1. Complaints may be submitted to the Seller via the Events platform.

2. If the Events Registrations or Memberships are not active after 24 hours of the payment, the Buyer should immediately contact the Seller in order to make a complaint.

3. The complaint is considered within 14 days from the date of its effective delivery to the Seller. The Buyer will be informed about the method of its consideration by the Seller within 14 days, unless the complaint requires a detailed investigation, about which the Buyer will be informed.

4. Complaints are considered in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code

§ 7.

Amicable settlement of disputes with customers who are consumers. 

The buyer has the option of using extrajudicial means of dealing with complaints and redress. This applies, inter alia, to situations where the result of the complaint procedure carried out by the Seller is unsatisfactory for the Buyer. In particular, the Buyer may request a dispute to be resolved by a permanent arbitration court operating at the competent provincial inspectorate of the Trade Inspection (Article 37 of the Act of December 15, 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1063, i.e. as amended) The rules of organization and operation of permanent arbitration courts are specified by the Minister of Justice by way of a regulation.

The buyer may apply for an out-of-court resolution of the dispute with the entrepreneur to the entity authorized to resolve such disputes (if the nature of the dispute indicates that the authorized entity is competent in the matter),(Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1823, as amended). The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection keeps a register of authorized entities.

Disputes with a contract for the sale of goods or the provision of services (including those concluded via the Internet), the Buyer may contact the appropriate provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection for carrying out activities aimed at out-of-court resolution of a civil law dispute between the Consumer and the entrepreneur (art. 36 sec. 1 of the Act of December 15, 2000 on the Trade Inspection and the Act of September 23, 2016 on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes). The rules of organization and operation of the Trade Inspection in the field of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes are defined by the Prime Minister by way of a regulation.

The above forms of dispute resolution are voluntary and depend on the consent of both parties to the dispute for a given mode of settlement (the above provisions do not mean that the Seller agrees in these Terms and conditions to resolve future disputes in the above-mentioned forms, and are intended to inform Buyers who are consumers about possibilities of out-of-court settlement of the dispute).

On the website of i.a. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the consumer can find detailed information on out-of-court dispute resolution.

The seller, fulfilling the obligation resulting from the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes), places electronic link to the ODR platform (the ODR platform is used to resolve disputes arising from domestic or cross-border contracts concluded via the Internet):

https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng = PL


§ 7a.

Personal data protection

Administrator of personal data provided by the Buyer is the Seller, means. GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk with its registered office in Atlas Tower, al. Jerozolimskie 123A/18th floor, 02-017 Warsaw, run on the basis of an entry in the business register under the number REGON 522516716 kept by the City of Warsaw, with a tax identification number NIP 5242788589

Personal data of the Buyers are processed on the basis of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (GDPR), primarily for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract. In the Privacy Policy posted on the website www.meetnations.org, the Administrator provides detailed information on the processing of Buyers 'personal data, in particular on the purposes of processing, data recipients, storage period, Buyers' rights.

The Buyer may agree to receive advertising and commercial information from the Seller by means of electronic communication. This consent is granted by the Buyer by selecting such an option on the registration form or by making an appropriate entry on the website. The buyer may at any time withdraw consent to receive commercial information. For this purpose, the Buyer may use the link unsubscribing from commercial information received as a result of re-entering the e-mail address in the appropriate window on the Events platform or send a statement by e-mail to the Seller's e-mail address: contact@meetnations.org or send a written statement to the address Seller's correspondence: Aleje Jerozolimskie 123A/18 floor, 02-017 Warsaw, Poland

In order to protect the personal data of the Buyers, the Seller declares compliance with the security requirements specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 29 April 2004 on the documentation of personal data processing and technical and organizational conditions which should be met by devices and IT systems used for for the processing of personal data (Journal of Laws 2004 No. 100, item 1024). The Seller is obliged to protect all information disclosed by the Buyers in accordance with the standards of security protection and confidentiality. The rights of access to the Buyers' personal data have been restrictively limited so that this information does not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons.


§ 8.

Final provisions

1. In all matters not covered by the above Terms and conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code and other acts shall apply, and in relation to consumers also the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights. The provisions of the Terms and conditions should be interpreted in a way that ensures their compliance with applicable law.

2. The photos posted on the Events platform are the property of the GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk. Any copying or distribution without the consent of the GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk is prohibited.

3. The Seller is entitled to amend the Terms and conditions with effect for the future. The changes may not infringe the Buyers' rights resulting from Orders placed before the change was introduced on the Events platform.

4. The Events platform publishes appropriate information on the website about the introduction of changes to the Terms and conditions, available to everyone, at least 3 working days before their effective date.

5. In case of any questions, doubts, opinions and comments, please contact us during the working hours at the telephone number +48 509 909 283 (connection cost according to operators' tariffs) or send an email using the form in the "Contact" tab.

6. The competent court for any disputes that may arise on the basis of these Terms and conditions is the court having local jurisdiction over the generally applicable provisions of law. 


 (this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

Addressee: "GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk, Aleje Jerozolimskie 123A/18 piętro, 02-017 Warsaw, Poland, registered in CEDiG in Warsaw, under the NIP number 5242788589, REGON number 522516716

- I / We (*) hereby inform / inform (*) about my / our withdrawal from the contract of sale of the following items (*) of the delivery contract the following items (*) for a specific work contract consisting in the performance of the following items (*) / for the provision of the following service (*)

- Date of conclusion of the contract (*) / receipt (*)

- Name and surname of the consumer (s)

- Consumer address (- s)

- Signature of the consumer (s) (only if the form is sent in paper version)

- Date