Privacy policy of MEETNATIONS.ORG

 We provide our clients with full respect for their privacy and protection of their personal data.

The website, hereinafter referred to as the Website, belongs to the GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk company running on the basis of an entry in the business register under the number REGON 522516716, kept by the City of Warsaw, with tax identification number NIP 5242788589 based in Atlas Tower, al. Jerozolimskie 123A/18th floor, 02-017 Warsaw.

Below we inform you on what terms the Website uses cookies and how you can manage them, and on what terms you can use the Website. In addition, we provide information on the processing of personal data by the owner of the Website, including those visiting the Website, who registered in the Store, use our other services, ordered commercial information or asked us a question via the contact form. 


 The use of the Website may depend on the acceptance of the so-called cookies that are text files that are saved on the hard drive of the device on which the Website has been displayed using a web browser. The cookie files collect information about the browsing history of the Website, including the name of the website, storage time on the end device and a unique number.

Cookies are used on the website to

1) maintain the session after logging in,

2) adjust the content of the Website to the visitor's expectations and optimize the rules of using the Website, including by enabling the identification of the device used by the visitor and appropriate adaptation of the Website to the requirements and settings of this device ;

3) creating statistics that enable the analysis of the rules of using the Website by the visitor, which allows improving its functionality.

The website uses two basic types of cookies: "permanent" files and "session" files. "Permanent" files are stored on the visitor's end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are removed by the visitor from his end device. Session files are temporary files that are stored on the visitor's end device until logging out of the Website, leaving the Website or turning off the web browser.

Modifications to the use of cookies

As a rule, the website visitor may independently change the web browser settings in the scope of the rules of using cookies on his / her end device, including blocking the automatic acceptance of cookies, and the ability to store cookies on the hard drive. Restrictions on the handling of cookies used by the Website may cause difficulties in using the Website.

Redirection to other websites

The website contains links that enable the user to redirect the website to websites of other entities that may use cookies or offer services that require providing personal data. In this case, you should read the terms of use of such websites, because this Privacy Policy does not cover them, and the Website administrator is not responsible for the actions of third parties. 


 logs System logs contain the IP address from which the visitor entered the Website and the connection time. The website uses system logs only for statistical purposes and they are not used to identify individual visitors and are not combined with personal data in any way. The analysis of system logs makes it possible to adjust the content of the Website to the expectations of visitors. 

Personal data

GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk company running on the basis of an entry in the business register under the number REGON 522516716 kept by the City of Warsaw, with tax identification number NIP 5242788589 based in Atlas Tower, al. Jerozolimskie 123A/18th floor, 02-017 Warsaw is the Administrator of personal data within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) processes data provided by customers using the Store via the appropriate forms, on the terms set out in the " terms and conditions" or provided via the contact forms available on the Website.

Administrator processes personal data in order to:

1) perform and execute the order, service the Customer Account, provide information about the Goods to the extent necessary to perform the contract - art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. b of the Regulation;

2) testing the level of customer satisfaction, determining the level of service quality and customer satisfaction with the services provided, which is the implementation of the legitimate interest of the Administrator - art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. f) Regulations;

3) offering services as part of direct marketing of the Administrator's services being the implementation of the Administrator's legitimate interest - art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. f) Regulations;

4) as well as providing commercial information using electronic means of communication as part of direct marketing of the Administrator's services on the basis of the consent of the person whose data is processed - art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR. a) Regulations.

Personal data may be transferred to the Administrator's trusted partners who participate in the provision of services by the Administrator, such as courier companies that deliver the Goods, entities providing accounting services, administrators and service technicians of marketing, telecommunications and IT systems or programs used by the Administrator, and also administrators and service technicians of hosting servers on which data is stored. The recipient of the data may also be entities authorized to receive it on the basis of legal provisions.  

The period for which personal data will be stored includes the period of using services provided electronically, pursuing claims arising from concluded sales contracts, the period of performance of obligations provided for by law, such as warranty and the period specified by law, including tax law and accounting law. In terms of data processed for the purposes of direct marketing of services, the data will be processed for this purpose until the Customer raises an objection or withdraws consent, respectively. 

The person whose data is processed has the right to request the Administrator to access his personal data, the right to rectify, delete or limit processing or the right to object to processing based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator, as well as the right to transfer data and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. Personal data is provided voluntarily, and in some cases, their provision determines the performance of activities by the Administrator.

We store clients' personal data on servers that ensure their full security. Only authorized persons have access to the database.

We send advertising and promotional materials to customers only if they have given their consent. This applies in particular to the information sent to the Customer, if he confirms the link clearly indicated by us, containing acceptance for receiving information about current promotions, discounts and new products in our Store. These materials apply only to the offer of our Store.              


GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk is not responsible for circumstance occurring while browsing the website resulting from the actions of third parties, and is not responsible for any malfunctions of the website for reasons beyond its control, including for reasons attributable to third parties or resulting from force majeure.     


 The exclusive rights to the content and multimedia elements provided on the website, in particular texts, drawings, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio or video files, photos, software, database rights and trademarks are protected by law and are entitled to the owner of the website or entities with whom it has concluded appropriate agreements. The website user is obliged to respect the intellectual property rights of the owner of the website or third parties.

Changes to the Privacy

Policy rules set out in this Privacy Policy may be periodically updated by the website owner, especially in the event of organizational changes, needs resulting from technological changes or changes in the law.   

Contact regarding the Privacy

Please send any questions, applications and suggestions relating to the Privacy Policy or the protection of your privacy to